Thursday, 14 August 2014

Familiarizing with the Griffith Library

Task 1

Stephen Stockwell has three books located in the Griffith University Library located in Nathan. These books include; The secret history of democracy, All-media guide to fair and cross-cultural reporting : for journalists, program makers and media students and Political campaign strategy : doing democracy in the 21st century. The citations for these novels can be found below.
Isakhan, B., & Stockwell, S. (2011). The secret history of democracy. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Stockwell, S., & Scott, P.  (1954). All-media guide to fair and cross-cultural reporting : for journalists, program makers and media students / Stephen Stockwell and Paul Scott. Nathan, QLD: Australian Key Centre for Cultural and Media Policy.
Stockwell, S. (1954). Political campaign strategy : doing democracy in the 21st century. Melbourne : Australian Scholarly Publishing.

Task 2

The journal article Artificial intelligence. Argumentation in Artificial Intelligence is available online for both campuses. This journal focuses on the future of artificial intelligence which is a direct correlation with the movie Alphaville as the strange defined city is run by futuristic artificial intelligence.

Bench-Capon, T., & Dunne, P. E. (2007). Artificial intelligence. Argumentation in Artificial Intelligence, 619–641.
The book Reconstructing Nature: Alienation, Emancipation and the Division of Labour is available online at both Griffith campuses. This book focuses on the different knowledge of the social and environmental world and the result of alienation within them. This book directly links to Alphaville as the movie focuses on the alienation of individuals who have slowly learnt not to show human emotion and disconnect from their community due to their tyrannical society.

Dickens, P. (1996). Reconstructing Nature: Alienation, Emancipation and the Division of Labour. London: Routledge.

The book Technology and the future is available in the library at both Nathan and Mt Gravatt campuses. This book addresses the effects, both negative and positive, of technology on society. As Alphaville is a movie based on advanced technology this book helps you understand the influences we're facing today with our own advanced technology.

Teich, A. H. (2003). Technology and the future. Belmont: Thomson Wadsworth.

Task 3

The book Social media intelligence could help to assist myself and others in measuring social media as it gives a further understanding of social media. It advances you in what you face online and whether what you're doing will be effective and whether people will have opinions on it.
Moe, W. (2014). Social media intelligence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Thursday, 7 August 2014

How I use Communication Technologies

 With social media and communication technologies constantly advancing, I'm going to look into what I currently use, how long I've been using it, the privacy issues I and other individuals face and the dis/advantages that social media and communication technologies can present. 

I use several forms of communication technologies to communicate with my friends and families. I use Facebook and Instagram to communicate with friends and my smart phone to communicate with family as they're not located on social media.I have been using Facebook since 2010 when I converted from Bebo, a previous social media site. Instagram is a newer social media of which I've only been apart of a few years. Obviously with my smart phone I have had one for many years since grade 7 in high school and is a form of communication technology that constantly upgrades. 

The influence to change from Bebo to Facebook was definitely social expectations as all my friend were changing to it so to stay in touch with them Facebook was a must. I originally found Facebook through my older brother and my first thoughts were 'I'm never going to use that' but as time changed and Facebook became more popular my thoughts also changed.

Privacy is an issue in new technologies as there are more people these days that access your information for negative purposes thus increasing cyber-bullying, cyber-stalking etc. A lot of privacy issues relate back to reputation management and how men and mainly women go to extra effort to prevent any chance of a hit to their reputation. Men generally do not care as much about their privacy as women because they are not threatened as much by reputation on social media (Madden, 2012). At this point in time I have not had an issue with privacy on social media or with technologies but I am well aware of the implications they propose. I have no issue with Facebook or Google collecting data about their users as that should be an expectation when you sign up for one of these sites. 

I have met people online then met them in person, but at this point in time I don't know anyone purely online. It was different meeting them online because your expectations are so much higher because you don't actually know how they are in person.
I try to keep my privacy very high so that access isn't easy to people I do not know for safety of myself and my friends because the world is unpredictable these days. 

Madden, M. (2012, February 24). Privacy management on . Retrieved from Pew Internet on social media sites:

The Dramatic Incline of Technology Use

This video is a quick explanation that shows the rapid growth of communication technology and it's users within the time span of changing technologies. This video updates you on the statistics of how new technologies is advancing old technologies thus communication is becoming less personal. It is explaining how our generations are updating whereas the norm we are used to i.e. newspaper are now becoming outdated because of our rapid enhancement in technology creations.
 I chose this video because the statistics always make you reflect on how rapidly our generations change and how much we really rely on communication through technology. Although it is beneficial to our generations in efficiency  it can also be detrimental to our generations through the lack of face to face communications. 

Did You Know 4.0, video, xplanevisualthinking, Septermber 14th 2009, viewed 8th August 2014, <>